Sunday 5 June 2011

Depotting Eyeshadows

I spent this morning depotting some eyeshadows and last week some lipsticks.. I am super organised and always trying to sort my kit out in the best possible way.. Minimise weight and space as most my days consist of lots of travelling with my Hair and Makeup kit . It can be a nightmare to lugg my kit up stairs, on trains etc and around so finding little palettes and cases and compartments are great to make my kit feel lighter and smaller which makes for an easier journey to work everyday.

Depotting eyeshadows is a great idea for anyone with lots of eyeshadows.. !!They save time when applying makeup. It keeps things organised. It's inspiring (as I tend to sort mine in colours- light to dark etc). And what I love most is I get to throw most of the bulky packaging the small eyeshadows are purchased in.. Which saves me so much room!!!! Usually The more luxurious brands I leave as is as clients love to see what you are using sometimes. And some are so precious I can't get myself to melt these like the others..

Look at the pictures and how much packaging I no longer have to pack in my kit.. So great as I can carry more product now. So easy to do.. Some palettes you can buy have magnetic to hold eyeshadows down others I just tape down ( double sided tape is my saviour).

I stick my eyeshadows in the oven on a tray and the plastic melts away from the shadow without harming the product.. I then very carefully using a metal spatula dish them put and stick down to pallette.. ( you will start to notice some eyeshadow pans are magnetic and some aren't..

Any questions shoot them through

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